Shaya B

Attending: McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management

Advice to future grads: “It’s important that you have the right approach to learning. Understanding is everything, whether it’s calculus or history. You will always be successful once you change your drive and motivation toward truly understanding rather than memorizing.” 

Nika D

Attending: Simon Fraser University, Criminology

Advice to future grads: “Alcuin is a small community, and the teachers genuinely care about every student because any teacher is willing to help you if you are struggling! School can be challenging, but it is worth all the hard work and dedication you are keen to put into it. Being able to go to Alcuin and being well educated are so many people’s dreams. NEVER LET GRADES DETERMINE HOW SMART YOU ARE because we are all smart in our own ways! But also, if you are overwhelmed, give yourself a break and do self-care.”

Arianna F

Attending: McGill University, Arts

Advice to future grads: “Make sure to have a balance of school and your social life, that is something you will need to know for your future. Don’t be afraid to ask for help; all the teachers at Alcuin will always make time for you. Never feel bad about a bad grade, it will always work itself out!

Barsam G

Attending: University of British Columbia Vancouver, Engineering

Advice to future grads: “High school is a chapter of life when it is important to have the mindset that behind every moment of adversity are two things: there is a lesson and there is a blessing. If I were to discuss one of the main lessons I’ve learned, it’s that you’re compensated in proportion to your effort. So, when things seem tough, always remember that the prize you’re seeking comes with a high demand for hard work.

Sophie H

Attending: University of British Columbia Vancouver, Science One

Advice to future grads: “”Savour your Senior School years; they are the time for you to grow and discover your path. Alcuin’s incredible teachers are there for you. You can count on them to support and guide you to accomplish things you may have never imagined. Grade 12 is challenging, but it’s also deeply rewarding, and it is a year you will always remember. Make the most of the opportunities that come your way; learn how to work well, and don’t forget to have fun.”

Erin M

Attending: St Francis Xavier University, Forensic Psychology

Advice to future grads: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind don’t matter” – Dr. Seuss .

Katherine M

Attending: Capilano University, Science

Advice to future grads: “Don’t be afraid to put in the effort; it is worth it in the end..”

Sage S

Attending: Toronto Metropolitan University, Sociology

Advice to future grads: “Show up and slay the day!”

Ryan Z

Attending: McGill University, Science

Advice to future grads: “My advice is to be independent and to not rely on anyone other than yourself. During my time in Alcuin, I’ve learned independence and responsibility for my work. I understand that teachers say to not worry about grades and that all will work out. However, they can only help you if you can help yourself first. You are the sole person who is responsible for your learning and grades, and teachers can only help you so far in your journey. However, note that teachers are of great assistance and do not take them for granted. For example, without the assistance of Mr. Amir, I may not have been as interested and good in physics as I am today.”


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